Prepare to lead your fellow citizens toward a better future with a major in 政治科学.


探索你的选择——上课、实习、研究和出国留学. 浏览 政治学专业指南 找到你感兴趣的东西, 发现你的所爱, 并创造一个重要的经验,启动你的未来. 

You’ll study how people obtain and use power at the local, state, national and international level. 你可以决定成为一名律师, 一个记者, 竞选经理, 游说者或外交官员. 为当选的代表工作,或者有一天自己竞选公职. 你的政治学专业会让你变得大胆, 基于你的价值观的战略决策.

Austin, the capital of Texas, is the ideal place to study politics at the local or state level. Understand how policy is made in the nation’s 11th-largest city by interning with a city council member or in the mayor’s office. Work for a state senator or representative during the biannual Texas legislative session, 在这里,你将了解一项法案是如何成为法律的(或者不是). Austin is the home base for nonprofits and advocacy groups that work to shape state laws that affect children, 环境, and dozens of different industries – so you’ll also have the chance to learn how to lobby for a cause you care about.

如果你把目光投向美国首都, your success coach and professors will help you find an internship in Washington, D.C. 无论你走到哪里, 你会有批判性思维, 写作, 公共演讲和人际交往能力,你需要有所作为.


政治科学 majors go on to a variety of careers and graduate schools from St. 爱德华的. 这里有一个例子.

  • 美国外交事务官员.S. 国务院
  • 德克萨斯州第一区上诉法院司法法律助理
  • 庇护和移民律师
  • 无敌青年组织的健康政策和宣传主任
  • FILA北美市场总监
  • 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的法律系学生, 宾夕法尼亚大学和乔治华盛顿大学
  • 研究生 students at the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University, 乔治城大学和纽约大学


看看 政治学专业的Skylar Garza ’19 利用他的实习和志愿者工作塑造了他的圣. 爱德华的经验.


政治学教你改变世界的技能. 在圣. 爱德华的, you’ll have the advantage of being just three miles from the Texas State Capitol building, 影响两千九百万德州人生活的法律在哪里制定. Your internship opportunities will include working for state senators and representatives, 政策智库和倡导团体, 他们都在立法过程中发挥了作用. 即使没有在国会大厦实习的机会, you can make your voice heard when the legislature meets – in the spring of odd-numbered years – by visiting elected officials’ offices and offering feedback on individual bills when they’re considered in committee. 如果地方政治更适合你的话, Austin City Hall is only two miles from campus and offers the chance to learn how a city council supports innovation and growth while striving for equity and protecting 环境.


Your courses will teach you the history and theory behind the political process and then immerse you in the practice. 立法程序和游说会在德克萨斯州立法机关开会时举行. 你将轮流参加课堂讲座和校园讨论, 旁听听证会, 国会大厦的辩论和节目.

州和地方政府将奥斯汀市作为实验室. You’ll complete hands-on learning activities in and around City Hall in one of America's fastest growing cities.

One of the most exciting ventures that 政治科学 offers is the opportunity to assist with 公民实验室这是一个与St. 爱德华的学生.  收听我们的播客,请访问 公民实验室.


政治科学 majors have been selected for many competitive learning opportunities domestically and abroad. 它们包括:

  • 本杰明·A. 吉尔曼国际奖学金, 由国务院赞助, which offers grants to undergraduates to study or intern abroad in locations including Chile, 巴西和摩洛哥.
  • 国务院重要语言奖学金, an intensive overseas language and cultural immersion designed to expand the number of Americans mastering foreign languages that are critical to national security and economic prosperity.
  • The Public Policy and International Affairs Junior Summer Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, 这是一个竞争激烈的为期七周的项目,培养学生的定量, analytical and communication skills they’ll need to study public policy in graduate school and enter a career that serves the public good.
  • 哈佛肯尼迪学院公共政策领导会议, 介绍哈佛大学公共政策研究生课程的课程.
  • 费城的约翰·杰伊研究员项目, a semester-long leadership development program based on Christian principles that prepares participants for careers in public service.


  • 圣. 爱德华的 刑事司法 Club is a chapter of the American 刑事司法 Association, αλε. 俱乐部每月开两次会,听取客座演讲, 去实地考察, 提供社区服务, 一起完成训练.
  • Alpha Phi Sigma是国家刑事司法荣誉协会.
  • α δ, 法律预科组织, 每周聚会一次,听取嘉宾演讲, 了解法学院的录取程序, 参加导师计划, 做服务工作,学习实习. The club also has a mock trial team that competes in events hosted by the American Mock Trial Association and α δ. 该团队已经前往华盛顿特区.C.,竞争.
  • 学生会协会代表了所有圣. 爱德华的学生.
  • 学生可持续发展教育St. 爱德华的社区关于环保的做法,并与圣. 推行环保措施. 会员帮助维护校园花园, 了解骑车和公共交通, 鼓励同学减少使用塑胶水瓶, 还有换洗衣服,进行升级再造的手工之夜.
  • 山顶的观点是学生周报,有印刷版和网络版. 学生记者从校园和大奥斯汀社区报道新闻. You can get involved as early as your freshman year as a writer, editor, photographer or designer.
  • 的年代.E.R.V.E. program, coordinated by 校园部, connects you with volunteer opportunities in Austin. You can participate in a Saturday-morning program where you clean up a park or paint a school building, or commit to weekly service for the whole semester at an organization helping immigrants, 儿童或老人.


In the first part of Assistant Professor of 政治科学 David Thomason's course, 学生们可能会对他们所学到的美国政治感到惊讶. 在第二部分,他们将进行一个在线模拟游戏. 本学期将以讨论实际政策作为结束.